Sahih Bukhari in Urdu, the Hadith book

Sahih Bukhari in Urdu, the Hadith book with Urdu translation

Sahih al Bukahri with Urdu Translation
The Hadith boo from Imam Bukhari.
Title: Sahih al Bukhari, the Hadith Book
Author: Hz. Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Islamil Bukhari
Translation: Hz. Molana Muhammad Dawood Daraz sb
Language: Arabic and Urdu
Courtesy/Source: Markaz Jameeat Ahlehadees Hind.
Description: The collection of the verified Hadith of Prophet Muhammad. Collection of Shahe Hadith which were collected carefully by Hz. Imam Bukhari R.A. and translated into Urdu by Hz. Molana Dawood Daraz.

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